

1. A best team has no one for a worse dream.

2. A great team can accomplish great things.

3. A leader is a活着 example of what he or she want the people to be.

4. The best advice I ever received was from a wise and patient teacher.

5. The difference between a successful team and an average team is a dedicated manager.

6. The goal of a management team is to make the front line supervisor feel like he or she has a full support system.

7. A good manager is one who creates a positive,推行一种友谊式的管理风格.

8. A successful team is one that works together to achieve a common goal.

9. A good team player is one who is willing to do whatever it takes to help his or her team.

10. The leader of a successful team is able to communicate the vision and strategy to his or her team members.

11. A team player is someone who always pull his or her team mates when he or she needs help.

12. The most effective leaders are those who provide the best possibilities for the growth and development of their team members.

13. A leader is someone who inspires and motivates the team to achieve its goals.

14. The most successful leaders are those who understand and respect the individual strengths and weaknesses of their team members.

15. A team is like a ship, everyone must contribute to make it happen.

16. A team without a vision is like a person without a goal.

17. A leader is someone who wants the best for his or her team, even if it means sacrificing his or her own.

18. The best teams are made of good communicators.

19. A team is like a computer, everyone has to contribute to make it work.

20. A leader is someone who believes in the potential of his or her team members.

21. The most effective teams are those that work together to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

22. A team player is someone who is willing to take risks and make sacrifices for the success of the team.

23. A leader is someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to help his or her team members.

24. The most successful leaders are those who are able to delegate tasks effectively.


25. A team is like a living organism, everyone works together to keep it alive.

26. A leader is someone who is able to see the big picture and understand the overall strategy of the team.

27. A team player is someone who is willing to work hard and make sacrifices for the success of the team.

28. A leader is someone who is able to build trust and respect with his or her team members.

29. The best teams are made up of individuals who are all working together towards a common goal.

30. A team is like a machine, everyone has to work together to keep it running.

31. A leader is someone who is able to communicate the vision and goals of the team to his or her team members.

32. A team player is someone who is willing to go above and beyond to help his or her team.


33. A leader is someone who is willing to take on the role of a problem solver when his or her team is facing a challenge.

34. The most effective leaders are those who are able to create a positive and supportive team culture.

35. A team is like a family, everyone works together to support each other.

36. A leader is someone who is able to see the strengths and weaknesses of his or her team members and provide the necessary feedback.

37. A team player is someone who is willing to work with others to achieve a common goal.

38. A leader is someone who is able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

39. The best teams are made up of individuals who are all working together towards a common goal.

40. A team is like a ship, everyone has to contribute to make it happen.

41. A leader is someone who is able to provide guidance and support to his or her team members.

42. A team player is someone who is willing to take risks and make sacrifices for the success of the team.

43. A leader is someone who is able to communicate effectively with his or her team members.

44. A team is like a computer network, everyone has to work together to keep it running.

45. A leader is someone who is able to think critically and make informed decisions for the team.

46. A team player is someone who is willing to learn from his or her mistakes and improve.

47. A leader is someone who is able to build positive relationships with his or her team members.

48. A team is like a symphony, everyone has to work together to create a harmonious whole.

49. A leader is someone who is able to manage and balance the workload of his or her team members.

50. A team player is someone who is willing to take on a new role or skill when the team needs it.