

1. 我们的节日 Met the festival of Mid-Autumn Festival.


2. 灯笼高高挂起 The lantern is high and fastened.

3. 皎皎明月 The bright moon

4. 秋风吹起落叶 The autumn wind blows and falls the leaves.


5. 那一年,中秋节 The year when the Mid-Autumn Festival came, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

6. 满满的月意 The full moon has a meaningful meaning.

7. 团圆与和谐 The reunion and harmony of家庭.

8. 普天同庆 The whole world celebrates together.

9. 美丽的夜景 The beautiful night scenery.

10. 各式各样的灯笼 The various lanterns.

11. 灯美人瘦 The thin and beautiful lantern.

12. 独具特色 The unique characteristics.

13. 精美的花灯 The exquisite flower lantern.

14. 灯光明亮 The bright lantern light.

15. 灯影摇曳 The swaying lantern shadow.

16. 团圆的笑声 The laughter of reunion.

17. 祝福语 The wishes.

18. 中秋节的晚上 The night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

19. 灯火辉煌 The bright lantern lights.

20. 富丽堂皇 The magnificent and prosperous.

21. 团圆幸福 The happiness and unity of the family.

22. 普天同庆 The whole world celebrates together.

23. 欢聚一堂 The joyous gathering in one place.

24. 团圆美满 The happy and harmonious family.

25. 灯笼高高挂起 The tall lantern is fastened.

26. 明月当空 The bright moon is in the clear sky.

27. 皓月千里 The bright moon stretches a thousand miles.

28. 桂花飘香 The fragrance of osmanthus.

29. 明月清辉 The clear moon and the bright wind.

30. 赏月 The appreciation of the moon.

31. 灯笼之美 The beauty of the lantern.

32. 团圆之情 The feeling of unity.

33. 灯笼之灵 The vitality of the lantern.

34. 祝福之诚 The sincerity of the wishes.

35. 中秋佳节 The Mid-Autumn Festival of the Year.

36. 灯彩佳节 The festival of lantern colors.

37. 灯笼之美 The beauty of the lantern.

38. 桂花开放 The osmanthus opens.

39. 灯笼高挂 The lantern is high and fastened.

40. 祝福的话 The words of blessings.

41. 团圆快乐 The happiness of reunion.

42. 美好的夜晚 The beautiful night.

43. 明月照远 The moon lights the far.

44. 皓月当空 The bright moon is in the clear sky.

45. 桂花飘香 The fragrance of osmanthus.

46. 明月清辉 The clear moon and the bright wind.

47. 赏月 The appreciation of the moon.


48. 灯笼之美 The beauty of the lantern.

49. 团圆之情 The feeling of unity.

50. 灯笼之灵 The vitality of the lantern.