

1. NB: Not Better

2. NS: Now Spend Time

3. VN: Visit Next

4. SF: See Friend

5. BD: Better Day

6. FV: Find Voice

7. CV: Check Value

8. TZ: To Zee

9. JS: Just Security

10. BV: Better View

11. DIY: Do It Yourself

12. CI: Create It

13. CO: Connect It

14. GPU: Graphics Processing Unit

15. HGH: High Heav

16. JJ: Just Joking

17. LL: Love Life

18. NS: Now Spend Time

19. SF: See Friend

20. TG: To Generate

21. GC: Go Create

22. HR: Hard Rock

23. HRG: Heavy Rock

24. JG: Just Got

25. JK: Just Know

26. NL: No Look

27. NV: Now Validate

28. PF: Play Follow

29. RA: Responsible Add

30. T4: Text 4

31. TT: To Table

32. V4: Validate 4

33. XA: eXtremely Awesome

34. XX: eXtremelyeXtreme

35. Y2Y: Year 2 Year

36. YY: eXtremely Young

37. ZZ: ZZZ - Endless Zzzz

38. DIY: Do It Yourself

39. JS: Just Security

40. SF: See Friend

41. TZ: To Zee

42. BV: Better View


43. HR: Hard Rock

44. NC: Now Connect


45. HRG: Heavy Rock

46. JG: Just Got

47. LL: Love Life

48. NS: Now Spend Time

49. TT: To Table

50. V4: Validate 4。