

1. Bold and confident

2. Daring and fearless

3. Unafraid and unyielding

4. Growth mindset and fierce determination

5. Unconventional and英勇无畏

6. Fearless and undaunted

7. Willpower and stoicism

8. Brave and determined

9. Not afraid to fail


10. Uninhibited and unapologetic

11. Authentic and unafraid to show emotions

12. Strong and courageous

13. Resilient and unbreakable

14. Daring to be different


15. Unashamed of one's talents and passions


16. Confident and unyielding

17. Bold and unafraid to take risks

18. Fearless in the face of challenges

19. Empowered and undefensible

20. Unconventional and not afraid to fail

21. Strong-willed and unbreakable

22. Fearless in the pursuit of success

23. Unafraid to embrace change

24. Strong in the face of adversity

25. Unyielding and not afraid to confront

26. Empowered and not afraid to lead


27. Fearless in the face of failure

28. Unafraid to take bold steps

29. Strong-willed and not afraid to ask for help

30. Unconventional and not afraid to take risks

31. Empowering and not afraid to fail

32. Fearless in the pursuit of progress

33. Unafraid to stand up for what is right

34. Strong in the face of opposition

35. Unyielding and not afraid to make tough decisions

36. Empowering and not afraid to be vulnerable

37. Fearless in the face of uncertainty

38. Unafraid to take charge of one's life

39. Strong-willed and not afraid to be自主

40. Unconventional and not afraid to make mistakes

41. Empowering and not afraid to ask for guidance

42. Fearless in the face of fear

43. Unafraid to pursue one's dreams

44. Strong in the face of adversity

45. Unyielding and not afraid to take control

46. Empowering and not afraid to be vulnerable

47. Fearless in the face of adversity

48. Unafraid to ask for help

49. Strong-willed and not afraid to ask for support

50. Unconventional and not afraid to embrace failure。