

1. The crying baby woke up the entire house.

2. The fighting cats caused a loud meow.

3. The running dog chased away the mailman.

4. The laughing children woke up the床.

5. The buying house was sold out quickly.

6. The selling stockbroker made a lot of money.

7. The broken vase was thrown away.

8. The happy dog wagged its tail.

9. The cold wind woke up the neighborhood.

10. The tired workers fell asleep on the bench.

11. The stealing shopkeeper was caught by the police.

12. The cleaning woman put on a hard hat.

13. The broken window was fixed by a professional.

14. The sleeping child made a loud dream.

15. The fast car passed the slow one on the road.

16. The angry man threw a rock at the wall.

17. The cold rain woke up the sleeping man.

18. The happy family gathered for dinner.

19. The broken promise made the young woman cry.


20. The tired driver fell asleep at the wheel.

21. The broken record player was recycled.

22. The arguing couple settled their dispute.

23. The lazy dog lay on the couch.

24. The cold snow made the city shutdown.

25. The happy student gave a presentation.

26. The broken alarm clock woke up the whole family.

27. The stealing employee was fired by the boss.

28. The tired server served the long waiters.

29. The broken bicycle was repaired by a mechanic.

30. The angry customer vowed to never return.

31. The fast car caused a accidents on the road.


32. The cold wind chilled the dog's coat.

33. The sleeping dog missed its master's embrace.

34. The happy couple celebrated their anniversary.

35. The broken promise made the young woman suffer.

36. The arguing couple will go to counseling.

37. The lazy dog drank water from a bowl.

38. The cold rain made the streets wet.

39. The happy student passed their exams.

40. The broken record player was no longer working.

41. The stealing employee lost their job.

42. The tired driver caused an accident.

43. The broken bicycle was broken by the young boy.

44. The angry customer gave a positive review.

45. The fast car passed the slow one on the parkway.

46. The cold wind woke up the dog from its nap.

47. The sleeping dog missed its owner's presence.

48. The happy family went on a vacation.

49. The broken promise made the young woman feel bad.

50. The arguing couple will try to work things out.